db password in user table needs to be regenerated

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I have a site at a company. I have copied the site to my own website with a different db name and user id and password. I have copied the /config/site.php file over from the company and changed the userid and password to match the MySQL userid and password on my site. I left the password_salt alone. Which I understand to be like a key to generate a new password for the db. How do I regenerate an encrypted password for the db in the user's table? I think that is what has to happen. Right now I just get can't connect to db. What I want to do is get the site on my website connected to the MySQL database on my website so that I can view the website fromwww.www.bloodgoodmultimedia.com/overton....


Tom Bloodgood

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I would just install a clean C5 site on my own computer, log in as admin, then change the password salt in that new site's config file to what you have on the server site, then (since you're already logged in as admin) go to the Dashboard and change the admin password to anything. Now retrieve the hashed admin password from your local site's database and paste that into the hashed password field for the admin account in the database on the server. Now you should be able to log into the server with the password you set on the local machine. Once you're in there, you can change it to something else, log in as other users and change their passwords, etc.

Or just use this:

DominicWhiteStudio replied on at Permalink Reply
I accidentally overwrote my site.php file and lost my password_salt at the end of july and was searching high and low for a solution... thanks for letting us know about emergency admin! That was a life saver!!!! Thanks Jordan!!!