Designer Content: How do I list 3 recent blocks

How do I list 3 recent blocks on my frontpage with the addon: "Designer Content"?

jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
Designer Content isn't really set up to do any kind of automatic placement of blocks like this.

When you say "3 recent blocks", what do you mean exactly? Are they 3 recent blocks from a certain area on a specific page, or 3 recent blocks of a single block type that were added anywhere to your site? Or 3 recent blocks of any kind that were added to a certain section? etc. etc.

If you don't actually mean blocks but instead want to list some content from recent pages, you should use the built-in "Page List" block instead, and you can use the free "Page List Teasers" addon ( ) to show the first block or blocks from an area of each page.
clwn replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry for not being specific enough. What I mean is how to post (on the frontpage) the 3 most recent blocks (or just part of them) made by DC on a page dedicated to DC blocks. Does it make sence?
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I think I understand what you want to do, but I'm not sure how to do it. I know how to get certain blocks from an area on a page, but not to determine which the most recent are. Sorry :(