Disable Grid Container Not Working

Does anyone know how to disable the grid container? I'm trying to do this on a block level. I have the grid enabled for the area, and I've also added this line in my block controller:

protected $btIgnorePageThemeGridFrameworkContainer = true;

Then, when I edit the design for my block and select "Disable Grid Container" from the classes dropdown under Advanced and Save, nothing happens. Generally when I customize styles using the C5 designer Concrete5 wraps the element with a div and styles accordingly. This is what I expect by disabling the grid container, but this is not the case. To get around this I create custom template, but I'd rather use the intended functionality. If anyone can point me in the right direction that'd be great!

I'm following the directions here:https://documentation.concrete5.org/developers/working-with-blocks/c...
