Discussion Forum Add On/ Error when deleting post on Guestbook

this is the error message:
mysqlt error: [1690: BIGINT UNSIGNED value is out of range in '(`clicacc_cnc5`.`DiscussionSummary`.`totalPosts` - 1)'] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO DiscussionSummary (cID,totalPosts,lastPostCID) VALUES (128,totalPosts -1,148)")

I thought I messed this up as I was making a custom template, but I separated the add on from my project page - downloaded a fresh copy, and uploaded to two test sites - same problem.

I was told to do this on a short private message:

ALTER TABLE `DiscussionSummary` CHANGE `totalViews` `totalViews` INT(10)  NOT NULL  DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `DiscussionSummary` CHANGE `totalPosts` `totalPosts` INT(10)  NOT NULL  DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `DiscussionSummary` CHANGE `totalTopics` `totalTopics` INT(10)  NOT NULL  DEFAULT '0';

but this would be the first time I did anything to alter a table in a database through phpMyAdmin.
And this table has more than just three rows -

Can someone tell me how I'm supposed to use this information ?

I need real help here - my client meeting is in one day.
