Error: "Method name must be a string" - Pretty urgent.

Developing a site through a Citrix firewall. Was attempting to save a block when the page froze. I refreshed, which usually kick-starts the process.

Now, I get this error: "Method name must be a string" whenever I try to use the dashboard. If I don't try to login, the entire site is visible. The error first appeared right after i attempted to save.

I did set the error messages to verbose, so here is what it's reporting:


foreach ($picture->attr as $attr => $val) {
                  if (!in_array($attr, self::$blackListImgAttributes)) {
                     //Apply attributes to child img, if using picture tag.
                     if ($tag instanceof \Concrete\Core\Html\Object\Picture) {
                        foreach ($tag->getChildren() as $child) {
                           if ($child instanceof \HtmlObject\Image) {

The configuration is in the attached file.

We're trying to get this site launched by Friday. Any help appreciated.

(I searched on the error message and didn't get any hits.)

2 Attachments

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Sounds like something in that block didn't save properly, can you go back to the Dashboard to that page's versions and roll it back to the last working version and delete the newest version?
yfsneals replied on at Permalink Reply
I get the error any time I try to login.I can't get to that point.
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you remember what type of block you were adding when this happened? You could go into the database and try to remove the bad record from that block's table.
yfsneals replied on at Permalink Reply
I remember the block type. But my SQL level is around that of a Cargo Cultist encountering a smartphone. Any suggestions/resources?
hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
One other thing you could try is to comment out line 145 in /concrete/src/Editor/LinkAbstractor.php just long enough to login and revert the page
yfsneals replied on at Permalink Reply
BINGO! We commented out the line and deleted all the offending text blocks. When we restored the line, everything worked fine.

(While it was commented out, all of the image size adjustments went haywire, FYSA)

yfsneals replied on at Permalink Reply
The error is back. It appears pretty much at random -- Compare versions triggers it. It also appears -- same wording -- when i logout from the dashboard.
At this point it's primarily an annoyance: I can get back in and edit, but I have to close the window, reopen and log in again.
Since I've been promoting C5 as easy to use and stable, this will become an issue quickly.