Error when installing

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I keep getting this error after completing the site information...

[An exception occurred while executing 'CREATE TABLE Config (configNamespace VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, configGroup VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, configItem VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, configValue LONGTEXT DEFAULT NULL, INDEX configGroup (configGroup), PRIMARY KEY(configNamespace, configGroup, configItem)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci ENGINE = InnoDB': SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes.
#0 /srv/disk3/1261193/www/ Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException::driverExceptionDuringQuery(Object(PDOException), 'CREATE TABLE Co...') #1 [internal function]: Doctrine\DBAL\Connection->query('CREATE TABLE Co...') #2 /srv/disk3/1261193/www/ call_user_func_array('parent::query', Array) #3 /srv/disk3/1261193/www/ Concrete\Core\Database\Connection\Connection->query('CREATE TABLE Co...') #4 /srv/disk3/1261193/www/ Concrete\Core\Package\Package::installDB('/srv/disk3/1261...') #5 [internal function]: Concrete\Core\Package\StartingPointPackage->install_database() #6 /srv/disk3/1261193/www/ call_user_func(Array) #7 [internal function]: Concrete\Controller\Install->run_routine('elemental_full', 'install_databas...') #8 /srv/disk3/1261193/www/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #9 /srv/disk3/1261193/www/ Concrete\Core\Controller\AbstractController->runAction('run_routine', Array) #10 /srv/disk3/1261193/www/ Concrete\Core\Routing\ControllerRouteCallback->execute(Object(Concrete\Core\Http\Request), Object(Concrete\Core\Routing\Route), Array) #11 /srv/disk3/1261193/www/ Concrete\Core\Routing\Router->execute(Object(Concrete\Core\Routing\Route), Array) #12 /srv/disk3/1261193/www/ Concrete\Core\Support\Facade\Facade::__callStatic('execute', Array) #13 /srv/disk3/1261193/www/ Concrete\Core\Support\Facade\Route::execute(Object(Concrete\Core\Routing\Route), Array) #14 /srv/disk3/1261193/www/ Concrete\Core\Application\Application->dispatch(Object(Concrete\Core\Http\Request)) #15 /srv/disk3/1261193/www/ require('/srv/disk3/1261...') #16 /srv/disk3/1261193/www/ require('/srv/disk3/1261...') #17 {main}

I really want to test out concrete5 with my business and this is extremely frustrating.
I am using Awardspace for my hosting.

Jozzeh replied on at Permalink Reply
When I installed version 5.7.2 I got this error as well. (on a local server)

The main issue was that the server had a php memory limit which was set to low. This caused the installer to crash at a certain point.
When I tried to reinstall Concrete5, some tables were allready in the database which causes the MySQL error.

I've searched awardspace for how much their php memory limit is:
Our hosting configuration supports 16MB php memory limit.
Most of the time (free, or almost free) shared hosting do not give enough memory and this is clearly the case.

System requirements of Concrete5 5.7 and higher: Memory limit - 96MB
System requirements of Concrete5 5.6 and lower: Memory limit - 64MB

If you want to test concrete5 for free, i would suggest installing WAMP (windows) or MAMP (Mac) and try concrete5 using a localhost.
Here is a link to a tutorial if you are using windows :
