File does not exist - invalid argument exception help

I am experiencing a problem. I was trying to change some text around and the error page saying "File Does Not Exist" popped up for me. And Imagine \ Exception \ InvalidArgumentException
Just on one page, I can still access the links on the page if I use the navigation tab on the side. The picture of the file error is attached.

I am very very new at this and don't know the language so any kind of help in very baby language would be extremely helpful!

Thank you so much in advance!

1 Attachment

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi kristenm,

You also posted to this thread which dealt with problems with the Whale Bootstrap Carousel block.

To clarify, are you using the Whale Bootstrap Carousel block?

What version of concrete5 are you using?
kristenm replied on at Permalink Reply

Sorry I did not realize I posted to the Whale Bootstrap Carousel block. I'm
not sure what that is.. I believe the version is 5.7.
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
To better assist you in finding a solution, please include specific details.

Where is the text you are trying to change - in a block, the dashboard, etc.?

What page does the problem happen on?
kristenm replied on at Permalink Reply
The text I was trying to change was in just a text block. It doesn't show
up at all now. And the page on our website is 'Resources'
MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you have a link to your website?

Are you using a custom theme?

What other blocks are you using on the Resources page?

In the text block, did you include any images?
kitc replied on at Permalink Reply
Were you able to resolve this issue? I have come across a similar hurdle.

Imagine \ Exception \ InvalidArgumentException
File does not exist.

Though this file does exist and the permissions seem to be correct. Perhaps it is referring to another file?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Almost ready to just rebuild this configuration.