Form with Paypal Add-on ERROR


I have a site built in concrete5 and have downloaded the Form with Paypal Add-on. I've set up my whole form with the add-on but when I click the ADD button, I get an Internal Server Error message (see attached image). This only happens with this add-on. Can someone advise?

1 Attachment

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
What browser are you using? This looks like it is running into an ajax error, you should be able to get more information from the Developer Tools console.
mytompo replied on at Permalink Reply
I've tried in both Firefox and Chrome with the same error message. How do I find the issue in Developer Tools?
hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
In Firefox open Firebug, make sure the Console tab is open, then when you run this page it should show you the ajax request and that will show you what the error is, it's most likely a Server 500 but if you look at the HTML response it should show you more information.