FormPageSelectorHelper selectPage default to 0

I am trying to build a form, where page linking should be optional. But FormPageSelectorHelper selectPage defaults to 0, even if I set $cID null. In /concrete/helpers/form/page_selector.php, selectPage starts by setting $selectedCID = 0, which then defaults to Homepage.
But what if I want it to be null!

Is there a simple way to this, our should I submit a patch for page_selector.php, adding an option for null?

ubernissen2 replied on at Permalink Reply
EDIT: Damn, unforeseen scenario error discovered. Please forget this reply until new patch is ready.

Submitted a bug report and a patch, that options NULL as cID value.
Read it here:
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
why not just check if its 0? no page has the cID 0...