Forms emailing

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I have built several forms, when someone uses them the it sends me the email but the address that comes from shows this:

The user has to enter a email address so that contacting them will be easier.

How can I get their email address to display as the from instead of it displaying

BTW is an example, it does display the actual domain name of the site.

Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
right now it defaults to the email of the super user. but in the upcoming 5.3.2 release you'll be able to over-ride it by setting the FORM_BLOCK_SENDER_EMAIL global var in your /config/site.php file.
Eagletears replied on at Permalink Reply
That sounds great.
pberry replied on at Permalink Reply
Tony, was this feature added? I noticed the form block seemed to be set up for it, but my site.php doesn't include that option. Am I missing it somewhere?
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
just duplicate a line!

there are tons of options which you can't find in site.php but are available..
pberry replied on at Permalink Reply
I figured I could do it, but just wondered if it was somewhere else.

Is there any documentation on options built into various places?
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
you can find a lot of them all over the documentation pages, but there's no single list with all options...

Might be nice to have one but there are also a few options like ENABLE_APPLICATION_EVENTS which aren't easy to understand - a simple two column document wouldn't be enough to understand how it can be used.
pberry replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, Remo.
AVL replied on at Permalink Reply
Has anyone been able to make this work? Being able to just hit Reply and have the email sent to the customer would be really nice!
AlbertPotato replied on at Permalink Reply