FullCalendar Can't format date


I'm using the built in FullCalendar using ListMonth view and can't format the date.

Currently it's showing as:

Sunday December 1 2019

I need:
Sun Dec 01 2019

I have searched the web and for fullcalendar v3 which C5 v8.5.2 uses I have tried this code:

                views: {
                    listDay: { buttonText: '<?= t('list day'); ?>' },
                    listWeek: { buttonText: '<?= t('list week'); ?>' },
                    listMonth: { 
                        buttonText: '<?= t('list month'); ?>',
                        dayOfMonthFormat: 'ddd DD/MM',
                        titleFormat: 'YYYY, MM, DD',
                        columnFormat: 'ddd'
                        /*columnFormat: {
                            listMonth: 'ddd D M',
                       // start: new Date(y, m, 1) // change the format here.

As you can see I am trying a lot of options but none are working!

Anyone know the answer?

