hello world block not showing up

Hi guys

{ see update EDIT below }

using C5 5.7

Hello_World block not showing up

I've installed several packages no issue, but this is my first time to place anything in application/blocks

I downloaded hello_world from

and unzipped to application/blocks which now looks like
application/blocks/hello_world -- all files here -- everything seems ok

I go
dashboard->extend concrete5
but nothing showing to install (I expected that)

so I go edit mode click + to add block
but no hello world block showing (not expected)

what do I do to get this block to show?


update edit:

I fixed this by making a package.

I copied the structure and missing files to make a package install from another package and I moved it into packages.

It was missing install files (as found in a package), but i'm not sure if that was the reason why it didn't get found when placed in application/blocks.


just found that I probably should have gone to dashboard->stacks and blocks->block types

Custom block installation is there.

