How do I enable the *compare versions* feature?

I get this message:

You must make /home/upwit0/public_html/markandjudymyers/concrete/config/../libraries/3rdparty/ executable in order to compare versions of pages.

How do I make this file executable?



swatkins replied on at Permalink Reply
in Unix dists, you must chmod that file to 755.

go to the shell, navigate to the '3rd Party' folder and run this command:

sudo chmod 755

Can't help you on Windows OS - never use that as a server.
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
First, login to your through ssh, then go into the directory containing the file, and set its permissions like this:

cd /home/upwit0/public_html/markandjudymyers/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/
chmod 755

Alternately, if you're not using ssh, many FTP programs will let you set permissions on files. For example, the Mac client Transmit, which I use, will let you do this.
markcmyers replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the tips.

Knowing that "executable" means changing permissions, I used cPanel to do it.

It seems to me that the majority of people installing C5 would want this feature enabled. Why not include the step in installation directions?

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Due to its location in the directory structure, it's hard to do this automatically. We do try and give you a heads-up using the "caution" icon - but since it's not something that's mission critical on installing we don't force you to do it..
kenichi replied on at Permalink Reply
I made a clean install of

The installation page showed "caution" icon so I did just like you mentioned here.

Then, all requirements were marked green so I completed the installation.

However, I realized that I can't compare multiple versions. I can see the single version but when comparing two versions I see the blank window.

Could you tell me how I can make this feature work?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
you need python to be running on your webserver for that to behave.
kenichi replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for your reply.

Sorry,,,I'm not familir with python.
When I checked functions of the webserver, python was included as a default package.
So I thought that it's running without anything to do on my own.

Is there a way to confirm whether python is runinng or not?
Maynar replied on at Permalink Reply
Does the version compare function work? Then it works.
kenichi replied on at Permalink Reply
Could you tell me how to run python?
I am afraid of starting from the installation,,,
kenichi replied on at Permalink Reply
I asked the hosting company whether I need to install python on my own or not. They said to me that it should run when I put the following code.


when I take a look at, it's had already that code. It means python should be running but actually it doesn't.

Do you think of any reasons for this problem?
Fernandos replied on at Permalink Reply

I know you've chosesen python because you were comforatable with it plus it has better performance than php for multiple pages. But I've no server featuring python.

That's why I'm about implement a javascript or php version. I know php has worse performance for multisite diffs.
That's why I'll try javascript too.

Maybe I'll even try to just create a diff for every diff request and cache it.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
we chose python cause the only decent script we could find to do HTML based DIFFs was written in it, and we figured most nix based server run it. That's all. If you can write or know of another package that does a good job at managing the chaos of diffing a markup language like html, we'd be happy to have it in core. the one we have isn't perfect by any means.
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Franz,

I know that diff tools are trickier to build than one might think.
However, I just found this contest at CodeProject:

Porting such a tool to php should be very easy and I guess someone will post a nice solution on CodeProject - there are already a few working examples available.

Might be worth to keep on the watchlist.

UPDATE: The contest is about text files. Might not work as well for html files. I'm still going to keep an eye on the contest..
atonaldenim replied on at Permalink Reply
I made executable, but I still get the same error message in the browser when trying to compare versions:

You must make /f5/trio/public/concrete/config/../libraries/3rdparty/ executable in order to compare versions of pages.

I tried to execute ./ from an ssh shell and it returned the error:

-bash: ./ /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I typed 'which python' and it returned /usr/local/bin/python, so I edited the first line of to add /local/ to the path. Now when I run ./ from the ssh command line it seems to run normally, returning:

htmldiff: highlight the differences between two html files
usage: ./ a b

But I still can't compare versions of page edits, I get the error about making executable. Here are the permissions of the file from ls -la:

-rwxr-xr-x 1 me 152939 2009 Jan 20 00:23

I'm using Nearly Free as a host. concrete5 version