List of recently edited pages, custom template for Page List - package?

By searching the forums, I've been able to create a functioning version of the Page List that can order pages based on the most recent saved version. Using information found here: and here:

I copied and then edited controller.php and page_list_form.php and added a new custom template.
So when adding a page list, at "Pages should appear..." I can now select "with most recently edited first" and then later, select a custom template for the list to say "edited by Author on May 9th, 2012" or whenever the page was last edited.

I would like to package this up and offer it on the Marketplace for free. It is very helpful for me to put this list on a page that only I have access to, then I can track the site progress. This is especially helpful when building out a site and there are several people creating and editing pages at the same time.

Here's my problem: I've included the new controller.php and page_list_form.php in the packages/order_by_last_edited/blocks/page_list folder, but this does not override the core page_list block. If I add the new files to the blocks/page_list folder, then everything works correctly.

Any advice?

andrewsturm replied on at Permalink Reply
Just curious, have you tried to install your new package first?

foster replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes - and I am able to successfully install it. The custom template works - after installing the package, but the edits I've made to the controller.php and page_list.php (adding a new drop down to the ordering menu in Page List) don't seem to take. If the edits are put into the Page List block, in the top level blocks folder, rather than a package - it works great.
I'm guessing that either:
I need to make a new block, not a package (but that seems weird since I'm editing the Page List)
There is some way to make the package controller.php override the concrete/blocks/page_list/controller.php
This is not possible?