(mySQL/database Question) Calender and deleted pages

I am having some issues with deleted events on an external C5 application. I have accessed the Concrete5 Team's Calender information - my application is a mini events ticker on a non-C5 site. I am using information gathered from the 'PageSearchIndex' table and the 'CollectionSearchIndexAttributes' table to display event titles (cName) event dates (calendar start/end date)and the page paths so I can link back to the C5 site.

None of these tables indicate if a page has been deleted so when a user deletes an event not all the information related to the event is removed from the database. Because of this my event ticker still shows deleted events.

I have been looking through the C5 database but can't tell for sure how C5 knows a page has been deleted. I think deleting works like this:

If the page cID from the 'CollectionSearchIndexAttributes' table no longer exists in the 'Page' table, then the page is considered deleted?

Anyone know if this assumption is correct?
