Non U.S. date format

Can anyone please tell me how I can set my sites date format to not be mm/dd/yyyy. I want it to be dd/mm/yyyy. Throughout my whole site both backend and frontend.

WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
In 5.7.4 setting the language will also change the date and time output
you can find it in the dashboard/system/basics/multilingual

In addition, you might also need to set the timezone:

Programmers, take a look at the date helper:

use Core;
$date = Core::make('date');
$formattedDate = date->formatPrettyDateTime($value, $longDate = false, $withSeconds = false, $timezone = 'user')

There are more functions in 'date'that can be usefull like formatCustom() and formatDateTime()
supportrealm replied on at Permalink Reply
i'm not a web coder (yet) so before I go playing around with settings and config files i need to know will this stop ALL U.S. dates been shows on the backend.
WillemAnchor replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, it will translate all available text and time/date's on the backend
But you can always switch it back

And, you can also let the user choose it's language at login:
Or even set the language for every user differently: