Refresh View.php on page load

Hi All,

I am extremely new to Concrete 5 and all things related although i have muddled through things up until now.

My current issue is that i have a block with a custom view, rather than using $innercontent it is using a hardcoded set of PHP for the view that retrieves info from an external DB to display a list of league results for a competition.

These results change all the time. My issue is that the table in my content will only update if i choose edit and then publish it, so that it seems to read the code again.

Is there any way so that it would run this php and update the block dynamically when the block actually loads on the screen instead?

Many thanks,


Squiddums replied on at Permalink Reply
Dont worry, it helps if i try and understand Cache'ing. Turning that off for blocks helps an awful lot in this case.

I'll get me coat.