Relating pages to one or more users

A while back I tried to do this, but set it aside. I thought I'd take another stab at it.

I have a site with about a dozen users. The site also has content that I would like to somehow relate to various users. For instance, if I add a page that discusses two of our users, I'd like that page to be listed on each of those users' profile pages.

I thought one way to do this would be to create a custom attribute that's a multi-select list of users in the C5 database. Then on the single_pages/profile/view, I would hard-code something that basically lists all articles where this user has been tagged in that custom attribute.

Is that the best way this might be accomplished? Or would C5 work better with a different approach? Perhaps adding some new functionality to the user account management in the dashboard?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
The first approach you describe (have a custom attribute that lists users, then list pages having that custom attribute on a profile page) is how I'd do it -- this is "the Concrete5 way" (in my opinion, because it revolves around pages, page attributes, and page list).

Good luck!
Metaglyphics replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the suggestion. Now to figure out how to populate a custom attribute's options from the database's users table. I think that's where I got stuck the first time.