Scrapbook Customisation - How do I display some intro text in a scrapbook?

I'm using a few scrapbooks to group different types of blocks together. I'd like to be able to provide the admin users with specific instructions explaining something important about the blocks in one particular scrapbook.

How do I customise the scrapbook display within the dashboard to include a chunk of HTML at the top of one particular scrapbook?

juliandale replied on at Permalink Reply
I figured it out - pretty easy after I did a bit of digging. For anyone else who wants to do this...

Copy the view.php file from
and paste it into

Then if you scroll down that file you will see the part to edit starts on around line 297:

<h1><span><?php echo htmlentities($scrapbookName) ?></span></h1>
<div class="ccm-dashboard-inner">
  <a style="float: right" href="<?php echo View::url($cPath) ?>"><?php echo  t("&laquo; Return to Scrapbook List") ?></a>
  <div class="sillyIE7"><?php echo  $ih->button_js( t('Add Block to Scrapbook'), 'GlobalScrapbook.addBlock(event)','left'); ?></div>
  <div class="ccm-spacer"></div>
  <div id="ccm-scrapbook-list" class="ui-sortable">

You can edit that code to insert some instructions for a specific scrapbook (in this example called 'My Special Scrapbook') by adding the following code:

<?php if ($scrapbookName == "My Special Scrapbook") { ?>
  Special instructions for this scrapbook go here...
<?php } ?>