Scrapbook Not Updating New Image

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I had my site name written in text

Then I created a logo

Went to global scrapbook - uploaded image - upload successful

Hit update - the logo is in the global scrapbook for my_site_name

I go to the website and the logo does not show up but rather just the typewritten text that was always there before

Thanks for your suggestions

Adreco replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Always refresh cache in the dashboard and refresh your browser (f5) when expected edits don't show up ;-)
mmakwana replied on at Permalink Reply
I cleared everything from my browser and shut down and started firefox back up

I got to the Sitewide Settings - Debug tab and now Im stuck as to what I need to do to clear the cache from the Dashboard

Look forward to the next step
mmakwana replied on at Permalink Reply
Found the Clear Cache
Will have to remember that for next time!
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
I suggest turning off the C5 cache altogether when developing your site so you don't have to keep clearing it.

I fought with caching issues until I set up all my browsers to stop caching altogether. Here are a couple of resources to help you set up your browsers to bypass the cache.

Chrome was the toughest until I followed this suggestion: