Searching page content

Hi all,

A question about searching page contents:

The search block built in to C5 (5.7.9) doesn't act in the way that I suspected it might. For example, I have a page full of different filesets, I added a search block and told it to "search beneath this page". Now to me that would indicate that it is looking for the term typed in the search box anywhere on the page and then grabbing the element and posting it just below the search bar. However typing any term (One that I know exist on that page) just returns no results. Is there a way to create this functionality? or am I missing something?

hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
The Search function searches for Pages, not for content. So when you set it up and told it to search below this page, it is only searching the pages that have that page as a parent, not searching the content below this block on the page.