select form field from dynamic ( database )

This is probably a simple question that has probably been asked before
but I can't seem to find a straight forward solution in the forums. maybe my question is too simple.

I want to be able to have a dashboard select dropdown prefill the options for a select fields on a dashboard Add page - i.e.
so that when someone is filling out a form the choices are available.

I have coded this kind of form many times in Coldfusion.
<cfquery datasource="#data# name="query_name">
    SELECT Display, Value
    FROM YourTable
    ORDER BY Whatever
<select name="whatever"> 
<cfoutput query="query_name">
<option value="#Value#">#Display#</option>

In Concrete - I have searched and seen people using this for page attributes and such, but it is not clear where to put the code in a form (controller, view, model ) as I need to use the same choices many times on a form add in dashboard pages. The choices are stored in another database table ( than the one that is being added when form is saved.)

The page I am working on is to put scores for games
( select choices from database table "Teams")
so game 1 would have
game 1
G1team1 ( dropdown1 select with all teams for options ) vs
G1team2 ( dropdown2 select with all teams for options )

game 2
G2team1 ( dropdown1 select with all teams for options ) vs
G2team2 ( dropdown2 select with all teams for options )

and so on
Click Add saves database table "Games"

Could I put a select in a function then just call it each time needed?
It seems to me that I should be able to use a funtion to get the array and then just called the function for every select box option.
Or do I have to type the same call over and over down the dashboard view page?

Any help would surely be appreciated
