Select Image in Dashboard to be Displayed on Site

Ok, I'm lost... I am new to this sort of thing, so I need a simple answer that shows code. I tried looking in How-tos and forums, but found no clear, easy-to-understand answer.

Here's what I'm doing: I am working on a simple settings page for a theme. I need an image selector that will be on a single page in the dashboard. The selected image needs to be saved, and displayed on a page type. In short, I am looking to display an image logo as set in the back-end dashboard.

How can I do this? Can someone provide simple instructions on how to do this?

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
To select the image file:

Then save the asset ID in in the Config table

In the theme, load the asset id (same page as above)

Show it using the image helper