Show pages from a specific depth with summaries, images and links - page_list or autonav?

Hi There,

I'm trying to create a tabbed content block using either an autonav or page_list custom template but need to show pages from a specific level down the tree.

Actually, I need the tab titles to be the page titles from level 2 and the tab content to be pages level 3 with titles, images and links (images are a custom page attribute).

I notice that you can't choose a custom depth in the UI for the page_list block so am wondering about the auotnav block.

Which block would be the best starting point and how would I go about setting this up - can you choose custom levels with the page_list block if you use a custom template?

Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.



cmscss replied on at Permalink Reply
Hmm, not having much luck grabbing a page image attribute via a autonav template - way over my head I think.

Is there a way to maybe grab pages of a certain level using the page_list block?