Single pages and controllers

I was having issues figuring out how pass data between the two.

I'm trying to use this simple test that I found in this thread.
   echo $myColor;


namespace Application\Controller\SinglePage;
use PageController;
class Test extends PageController {
   public function view(){

So when I navigate to
I expect to see the word red on the screen but I see nothing. What am I doing wrong?

linuxoid replied on at Permalink Reply
Your single page view file has to be in application/single_page/, your single page controller file has to be in application/controllers/single_page/, e.g.

controller file: application/controllers/single_page/test.php
view file: application/single_pages/test.php

Note the file names must be the same and low case.

AND the single page must be created first:
$this->installSinglePage('/test', t('Test'), $pkg);
    private function installSinglePage($path, $cName, $pkg)
        $page = Page::getByPath($path);
        if (!is_object($page) || $page->isError()) {
            $page = SinglePage::add($path, $pkg);
                'cName' => $cName,
cwilliams replied on at Permalink Reply
Alright, I've got this working now. So just a follow up question.

If my single page is not in the root directory say

and the php file for that site is view.php rather then app.php

does the controller stay in application/controllers/single_page/
or application/controllers/single_page/departments/subdepartment/app

and would the namespace be?

linuxoid replied on at Permalink Reply
If you want a single page in any other part, simply add all the route parts with '/':

view: application/single_pages/departments/subdepartment/app/department.php
controller: application/controllers/single_page/departments/subdepartment/app/department.php

I don't think you can use view.php for single pages. But try it. The controller then has to be view.php too.

The namespace will be Application\Controller\SinglePage\Department\Subdepartment\App
cwilliams replied on at Permalink Reply
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't view.php being used in the documentation example?

Anyway here is what I have now,

at directory:
I have view.php containting the same code as my above example.

At directory:
I have another view.php containing
namespace Application\Controller\SinglePage\Departments\Assessor\RealEstate\ChangeValueNotices;
use PageController;
class view extends PageController {
   public function view(){

This however is not working. I'm not seeing the word red on the page like I was in the previous example.
linuxoid replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok, you can do it this way:

1. Create a single page in Dashboard->Pages & Themes->Single Pages and Add Single Page departments/assessor/real_estate/change_value_notices
2. Create application/controllers/single_page/departments/assessor/real_estate/change_value_notices.php
namespace Application\Controller\SinglePage\Departments\Assessor\RealEstate;
use Concrete\Core\Page\Controller\PageController;
class ChangeValueNotices extends PageController
    public function view()
        $color = 'red';
        $this->set('color', $color);

3. Create application/single_pages/departments/assessor/real_estate/change_value_notices/view.php
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
echo $color;

I use single pages in packages, I guess it's different to using them in Application

PS. BTW you forgot to put red in ' ', it must be $color = 'red'; because red is a string.
cwilliams replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for all your help, I've made great progress on this project now. This is really my first time working with php so it's a learning experience on a few fronts.

I'm running into an issue with functions though

I'm able to use view() and submit() just fine but I can't seem to create my own functions such as

public function BadResults()
   print("<p>Your search yielded no result. Please verify your search parameters.<br>");
   print("Hints: When stating an address, you HAVE to have a house number. You may NOT state a zip code alone.<br>");
    print("We may not have your complete Zip5+4 code. If you entered a long Zip code, try the regular 5 digit Zip instead.<br/>");
    print("Also, not all properties received a change of value notice. If in doubt, please contact the Assessor's Office.</p>");

If I try to call it such as here.
[if(($zip!="") && ($address=="")) {
//   print("<p>Your search yielded no result. Please verify your search parameters.<br>");
//   print("Hints: When stating an address, you HAVE to have a house number. You may NOT state a zip code alone.<br>");
//   print("We may not have your complete Zip5+4 code. If you entered a long Zip code, try the regular 5 digit Zip instead.<br/>");
//   print("Also, not all properties received a change of value notice. If in doubt, please contact the Assessor's Office.</p>");

I get an undefined function error.
linuxoid replied on at Permalink Reply