Slideshow in Template

Hi All,
I seem to have mastered putting autonav and page-lists in my template, but now I want to put a slideshow. Has any done this before? I have:
   $b = BlockType::getByHandle('slideshow');
   $b->controller->type = 'FILESET';
   $b->controller->playback = 'RANDOM';
   $b->controller->fsID = 1;
   $b->controller->duration[] = 5;
   $b->controller->fadeDuration[] = 2;

But nothing shows? Anyone see the problem, or know how to do it?

Steff replied on at Permalink Reply
This is how it works on my site:

$slider = BlockType::getByHandle('slideshow');
      $slider->controller->fsID = 2;
      $slider->controller->duration = 5;
      $slider->controller->fadeDuration = 2;

You'll have also to add the following to the header.php. The block css is loaded, by adding the Slideshow to a theme.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/concrete/blocks/slideshow/view.css" />
30Square replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome just what I was looking for.
rayjohn66 replied on at Permalink Reply
added to the header file is "Just What I Needed" thanks