sub-directories (again)

I need to be clear on something:

/root/index.php (
/root/c5Folder <- install c5 here with rel_dir fix

Typically, added pages will follow the tree structure that's dynamically created by C5. But can I manipulate a new page's path to a sub-directory?


1) Will C5 be able to connect it to the database from that folder?
2) If so, will adding pages automatically prepend the new path to that same folder?
3) If so, when I land on those pages will my URL ?
4) Or is this non-workable thinking for C5 architecture?



Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
pop open /config/site.php,

if your site for example is installed at
the base url will be and the dirrel will be "" aka blank, if its in

the dir rel is /c5
Ricalsin replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Mike. Yes, that part I got. What about the multi-folders creating multiple sub-directories off the root. I could use this to point parked domains to those pages. Can C5 function with that? Mind you, I don't want to create additional installations of C5. I'm looking to have C5 handle the paths for certain pages that are located in certain folders off the root - that means more than one path to be managed by the installation. Possible?

I articulated my reasons for trying to do this in another post, here:

Thanks for any help.

Ricalsin replied on at Permalink Reply
Information I've learned. Please edit if incorrect:

The DIR_REL setting in the C5 site.php file located within the ROOT/config folder is based on whether C5 is installed in a sub-folder off the ROOT or not - as MIke notes.

I have found no clear cut answer in the C5 forums regarding the feasibility of one core C5 install handling access to and from other sub-folders as a means to further separate content within a site - namely, to cause a URL to show something,... and then use a wildcard SSL Certificate on the primary. My guess is that if you were willing to manage the links you could make it work, but it might cost you too much in time for any benefit gained. Probably, the only really valid benefit for doing something like this would be to break up databases for faster loading - and that would only make sense if your databases could still share central information - which could be done through Concrete5's Web-Hosting Manager (WHM). The WHM is an advanced web-hosting technique that requires access to the server - something not obtainable through companies like GoDaddy and Bluehost. I have another project in the consultation phase that will want to do something like this and I know their concern will be the security of information. This will be the largest project I've ever attempted. What security does Concrete5 hosting offer (or any hosting company for that matter) in regards to files and code being kept safe? Or is it simply better to host it yourself to provide the ultimate security if that is a major concern?
