Support Organisation

Permalink 6 users found helpful
A few months ago, @mrkdilkington started an email+slack dialogue with me that ranged over a bunch of ideas about how c5 support (documentation, bug-fixes, help, etc) could be strengthened. We consolidated these into a document at

The TL-DR is:
c5 users, editors and developers require the following types of support: documentation, bug/enhancement solutions, and help.

There are multiple ‘channels’ by which support can be sought. Each channel can provide support for one or more types of support.

Volunteer teams should be formed for each type of support. In general, each team would react to problems in relevant support channels and thus improve the quality of the type of support for which they are responsible. In addition to these support teams, a promotion team could be formed.

The majority of this document suggests responsibilities for each team; eg:

● documentation team: convert developers’ notes for github merges into documentation pages;
● bug/enhancement team: convert casual feedback from users into github summissions;
● help team: co-ordinate between the c5 forum and slack;
● promotion team: enhance c5’s web site and social media feeds.

Now what? We could proceed as follows:
● Start with documentation. Convert the 'Documentation Team' section of the doc into markdown and host on github.
● Encourage others to submit changes to the github doc to improve it, flesh it out, and hopefully garner wider ownership.
● Form a team and commence processes in accordance with a mature version of the doc.
● Learn lessons.
● Pick another section (eg, bugs). Repeat to fade.

stewblack23 replied on at Permalink Reply
Really great work. Great direction for C5 as a commuinty as a whole. Would like to be of help anyway I can.
Gondwana replied on at Permalink Reply
@stewblack23 Karl and I thank you. Your name has been taken. ;)
ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Keep it up guys, it's a great thing to keep new users here as well (other than going back to what they were using if they couldn't solve an issue). Would think that a thing like this will grow the community! After all, better/more support keeps users positive and on track to work with concrete5. Thumbs up.
Gondwana replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks @ramonleenders. You raise a good point about retaining newbies. I'm pretty sure that Karl and I discussed the advantages of improved support, but it seems that Johnson's Boswell managed to leave it out of the doc. OTOH, it's probably too long as it is. :)
Gondwana replied on at Permalink Reply
I finally got around to creating a github-friendly extract of the documentation team proposal; see

(Profuse apologies to @mrkdilkington for taking so long; I was distracted by other projects.)

Some thoughts on how to move forward are in the associated

I'm kinda hoping that the Army contract, and thus @myk's employment, may help.