Theme presets not updating themes


I've just noticed a weird behavior of theme presets, I think it's a bug. BTW, all caching is off.

I've created my own preset for the Elemental theme. Everything worked fine for some time. I changed a few colors and so on. But at one time, I've changed my @body-link-color back to what it was before, and it did not change. No matter what, it's just stuck at that color. I could change the color in the content.less directly - it worked. I had no ideas what to do. And then I've just gone to the page Design, changed my theme preset for any other and then back to mine - and yes, it worked!!! And from then on, most of the changes I make in the preset do not propagate until I change the preset in the page design a couple of times.

Any ideas what's going on?

linuxoid replied on at Permalink Reply
linuxoid replied on at Permalink Reply
I've tested it a bit more. It seems (so far) only colors don't update, but other css properties: sizes, borders, transitions etc. do update. This is weird. No idea how to fix this behavior.

I've deleted my theme, reinstalled it. Copied the default preset and renamed it. Started changing colors: changed just 2 settings: @footer-top-background-color and @footer-bottom-background-color. Uploaded the preset to the server and... the bottom one has changed, but the top one did NOT.

Then I've done it again, but instead of making my own preset, I've just changed the contents of the defaults.less, uploaded it and... no change. Swapped the Design back and forth, and now it changed.

Anyone experienced this behavior?

BTW, if I change colors directly, that is for example in the header.less, it works, the colors change on page refresh.