Twitter Bootstrap .topbar hiding c5 edit buttons when logged in

Hi There,

I'm in the process of creating a blank Twitter Bootstrap theme and noticed that the standard Twitter .topbar hides the c5 edit bar.

To get around this, I've used this in the <head> to show it:
<?php // Pushes .topbar down to reveal c5 edit bar when logged in
 $cp = new Permissions($c);
 if($cp->canWrite() && $cp->canAddSubContent()){
  echo('<style type="text/css">.topbar{margin-top:50px;}</style>');

Is this the best way to handle an issue like this?



dantheman replied on at Permalink Reply
I think that is a good solution. Let me know how you are doing with it - was about to embark on the same thing myself.

cmscss replied on at Permalink Reply
Seems to work great - I haven't noticed any issues editing the site in Safari anyway.


facerX replied on at Permalink Reply
How goes the c5/twitter bootstrap integration? How did you get around the conflicts with the c5 UI?
cmscss replied on at Permalink Reply
UI conflicts have been pretty minimal:
- c5 edit bar hasn't been an issue since implementing the above
- All the form styles get applied to c5 (which in most cases looks better)
- Some of the headlines seem to get pushed over to the right by about 50px

Still working on it though - block templates and core commerce etc