Where does $_SESSION('securimage_code_value') get set by the registration page?

I am customizing a registration single_page for a theme I am building.
I copied the default register.php single page to my root single_page folder along with the controller register.php in the root controller folder.

I have this page pritty well working but someware anong the line, Captcha quit working for me. I have traced the problem down to the fact that secureimage is seeing that $_SESSION('securimage_code_value') is not set.

My question is Where does $_SESSION('securimage_code_value') get set by the registration page?

I have followed the problem from the register page controller through the core/models/library.php all the way to th 3rdParty's securimage file.

I would be greatful for any help I get.

ThomasJ replied on at Permalink Reply
This is no longer an issue for me. After upgrading to ver., Captcha began working again.