5.2RC1 not working with IIS anymore

I tried to update a site to 5.2RC1 which runs on an IIS server. Seems like it doesn't work anymore!

There are a couple of problems and I probably need a while to understand every detail of the code.

in libraries/view.php line 618 there's an include to /startup/shutdown.php. Right after that there's a call to ob_end_clean which never gets called since shutdown.php already contains an exit statement. I guess this doesn't make sense, does it?

Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
it seems like the files from the svn repository are working?
mikav replied on at Permalink Reply
there's lot of issues with php outputbuffering on IIS server..

I like to know if you can get it work :)

I comment here if I find some solutions
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
as I wrote above, using the latest version from svn seems to work for me..

I haven't checked what changed between these versions though!
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd love to hear about specific problems people might be having... I don't know that we've done anything in this regard in the latest release. Also I'm not entirely sure about this original post...because in the code on view.php the call to ob_end_clean() is definitely before the require() of shutdown.php... Am I misreading the original post?

It's possible the additions we've made to the blocks to allow them to insert items into the header are causing some problems in RC1 in some cases...they have been moved around in the code in the latest svn code...

What are the particular errors you guys are having?
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Andrew,

I just downloaded 5.2RC1 again and I can't find the call to ob_end_clean anymore??

if (ob_get_level() == OB_INITIAL_LEVEL) {
   require(DIR_BASE_CORE . '/startup/shutdown.php');
   // wasn't here a call to ob_end_clean?

I'll try to install 5.2RC1 again later..

The only problem I had was a "blank screen". Even with error_reporting set to report everything I got nothing...