"Add User" missing from Dashboard

Permalink 1 user found helpful
I see in the documentation that "Add User" should be in the MEMBERS list in the dashboard but it's not there after a fresh install. I'm a first time user. going to index.php/dashboard/users/add DOES work to get me to the screen, but why would it be missing from the MEMBERS list?

Search Users
User Groups
Group Sets

adajad replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
The documentation is a bit behind on this part.

You need to go to 'Search Users' and add the user from there (it's a nice blue button labelled 'Add User').

This thread is on the same topic: http://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/usage/how-to-add-a-user/...
ZachryAssociates replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! I searched but didn't find the thread below. Appreciate your help.