Blocks not installing correctly

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After moving my C5 site to a new host I'm suddenly unable to install new blocks.

I can download and install them in the Add Functionlity area in the dashboard and the packages are showing as being installed. But when I go to a page to try and deploy a block the new block isn't available in the list.

I had a look in the BlockTypes table in the database and there is no sign of the new blocks there, whereas in the Packages table the newly installed package is showing. I have tried a couple of blocks with the same result. I tried initially with Easy news and Flickr gallery.

Any assistance gratefully recieved.

andyh replied on at Permalink Reply
OK this has progressed a bit. I'm transferring from Hostgator to Vidahost in the Uk for improved performance.

I've done a clean install of C5 and it has the same issue of the package appearing to install and being displayed in the dashboard, but not being available in the Add Block list when deploying blocks into a page.

The guys at Vidahost are very helpful and will respond to me quite quickly, can anyone suggest what might be the cause of this?

As I said, the site itself and basic editing semm to be working fine.
madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
My guess, and it is only as guess is that it might be a permission problem, possibly with the packages folder.
But that should throw an error on install so guess I just shot down my guess.
andyh replied on at Permalink Reply
My new host is running CPanel with Apache version 2.2.18, PHP version 5.3.6, MySQL version 5.0.92-community

Any thoughts on what to ask my hosting company regarding this problem?

Any kind of steer would be gratefully taken on board.

steda replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Andyh,

I would also check folder permissions first.
Do you have root access to your server? Navigate to your web site´s root folder (using unix cd command). Then use "ls -la", a list will show up naming owner and groups and permissions of each file and folder. Check that the owner is set to the same owner running apache, e.g. www-data.

Refer to the installation help, you should find which permissions each folder/file should have.

I work with plesk and ssh only, so I don´t know if this helps you. Also I don´t know CPanel, maybe you can set owner, group and permissions via the web interface?

Let me know if this helped you!
andyh replied on at Permalink Reply
I've asked the hosting company about permissions, but they seem to think it's OK. They wondered if the Block installation might be using a function that they have disabled.

Can anyone advise whether this might be the case?

As I said, the download and installation of a package works perfectly and the package shows as being installed in the dashbord. It's just when you then go to try and add a block to a page it's just not there in the list of available blocks. I've been testing with Remo's Expander block and Easy news. With easy news the dashboard element installs and works fine, as does the Custom Attribute, but the listing block just isn't showing up.

As ever, any specific pointers, things I can check myself or questions I can ask my host gratefully recieved.

andyh replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
When I click on Edit package button no block types are showing. I've attached a screen capture of the behaviour on 2 different hosting environments.

I'm assuming that the BlockType::installBlockTypeFromPackage isn't firing on the server. Can anyone explain what the installation of blocks from packages is doing and what server side issues might be preventing it from working?

andyh replied on at Permalink Reply
I've had a look in phpmyadmin and the database bt tables are being created. So for instance the btRemoExpand btEasyNewsList tables are there, however there are no entries for these blocks in the BlockTypes table, whereas when I tsted on my old host where they work there is also an entry in the Blocktypes table.

Any thoughts on what might be going on. It's something on the server config side of things, but I need some suggestions to offer the guys at Vidahost to get it sorted.

andyh replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
OK, I raised a support ticket for this and the C5 guys have sorted out the problem.

It seems to be an uncommon issue related to the server hosting environment. However if you're affected this may help.

It turned out to be an issue with one of the core libraries throwing a PHP deprecated error. This prevented the blocks from properly installing.

They commented out the line set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); in an override file located at /libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ This overrides the copy of the file located in your concrete core directory.

Thanks to Matt and Andrew at C5 for figuring it out.