Cannot find site on WAMP64 local install?

Hi all and welcome to the first of what is almost certainly going to be the first of many questions.

As the title suggests when trying to install Concrete5 locally using Wamp64 I am getting a site not found page displayed. I am going to the Wamp button in my taskbar and selecting my project and a page in Firefox displays telling me that it is unable to fine my site and to check my firewall, network etc.

I am very sure that Wamp is set up and running correctly and have created a directory in the www folder in Wamp's root folder in C. Concrete5 file has been placed within my directory and unzipped.

The one thing that does look wrong to me is the address in the address bar of Firefox. It readshttp://site/ which looks incomplete to me?

Anyway, FYI I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64, using Wamp64 and Concrete5 release 8.3.2

Any guidance greatly appreciated. :)

CMSDeveloper replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
⚠ Hello,

In wamp you can make a virtual host for your site.
The address is localhost or your current ip address.

You can instead of the virtual host (works not that well), just make a directory in your:
c:\wamp64\www\ directory for example "concrete5"
Download and unzip in the just made directory.

The address is than: localhost/concrete5/
Add some extra rule to the mqsql my.ini file before installing concrete5.

Just add under "[wampmysqld64]" the rule:
"lower_case_table_names = 2"

Some example:
; The MySQL server
lower_case_table_names = 2
