Cannot Sign In After New installation

I just did a new install-dropped my Database and deleted the files from the server for the 3rd time...still I cannot sign into my site using the email and password I created

After doing a Google search it seems this has been a problem for sometime and the answer seems to be editing php files or thew Db- none of which I am familiar or comfortable with

Am I doing something wrong or is this a long time bug in concrete5?

derrickhand300 replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Its seems the 3rd party theme I purchased earlier today "SLATE" is not compatible with my version of Concrete5-I have removed it and all works again
Anyone know of a theme thats similar to Slate that works with the newer concrete5?
derrickhand300 replied on at Permalink Reply
spoke too its not letting me log AGAIN...
goodnightfirefly replied on at Permalink Reply
What is the exact error message you are getting?
derrickhand300 replied on at Permalink Reply
Just that either my user name or password is invalid...tried the reset password and it never send the email

I have spent $80 in 2 themes but its time to move on and look for a better CMS platform and rate this one a 1 star

If you are going to offer a CMS platform- users who waste the time and money to install it and buy the themes should be able to log into their sites to work and not spend 12 hours troubleshooting the issue

I have had all I want of concrete5- experience has taught me when something is screwed up on such a basic level like this- its just going to get worse as I get into it.

Thanks for your help
mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
You took 12 hours to troubleshoot this? What did you do in that twelve hours?

A quick google would have found you this kind of page:
Or something like this:

There are a couple of solutions there, with looking up the password reset email in the Logs table being the easiest.

When password reset emails don't get sent it's often because your _server_ is misconfigured, in particular the server is picking up the email instead of forwarding it on to the actual mail server responsible for the domain you working with.

There is nothing wrong with concrete5's password reset mechanism as far as I'm aware.
derrickhand300 replied on at Permalink Reply
12 hours was mostly installing and uninstalling...the first install was the worse because the docs for installing posted here do not work...that took at least 4 tries....before someone told me to forget about unzipping the file on the server and to do it on my desktop then upload the files- which does actually work

Getting emails fine from my other sites hosted on the same configuration in my VPS like

Was just hoping to find a easier platform to build on-Thanks
derrickhand300 replied on at Permalink Reply
and yes I have read the docs on how to fix the problems with Concrete5 log in issues- BUT I came and trying this platform because I DONT WANT TO HAVE TO LEARN TO EDIT DATABASE FILES or PHP FILES

I have that with another platform im on now called Jamroom...I wanted something simplier...I mean when you pay $40 for a theme its a pretty good indicator you are not comfortable with coding your own...much less a database or php files...

Just my thoughts anyway
goodnightfirefly replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you SURE you are using the correct credentials? You said you cannot sign into your site using the "email" you created. You should be logging in with your username, which by default is "admin".
derrickhand300 replied on at Permalink Reply
yes I have tried possible user names also...same issue...I am using the credentials i used to create the site for all 3 fresh uploads and uninstalls...not sure what else to use or WHY it will not send me an email with new log in credentials when I select that option.

I am POSITIVE of the email address i used when installing the site and password...

Yes the 1st theme was my fault "slate"...the second theme is compatible with my version 'brimstone"...was logged in fine after creating the site and working in the brimstone theme last night- wake early this morning to work and the buildr has me logged out-no sign in link in the theme so I go to the main sign in page and it refuses to let me sign in again

3 installs are enough for me BUT I do greatly appreciate that you respond to help me

A google search for "cannot log in to my concrete5 account' shows a great deal of posts since 2009 concerning the issue and work arounds that invol;ve editing the DB files and/or php files..I selected concrete5 and a paid theme so i would not have to edit databases and php files...which I have no experience with