Cant log into dashboard - NEED HELP

I recently updated to Concrete 5. 5 2 1 I believe. However after running a backup and then installing I found that I couldn’t log in the dashboard and edit buttons do not appear, how can I fix this? How do I get access to my dashboard?

Korvin replied on at Permalink Reply
You may have a theme that isn't compatible with 5.5, themes now require Loader::element('footer_required'); be placed at the end of every template file which allows the admin bar to be shown.
Best Wishes,
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Try going directly to the dashboard by running this from your browser

This will bypass the home page loading,

It could be as Korvin has said a faulty page load, or, it could be an faulty or incomplete upgrade package,
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
There have been problems with auto update recently so I would advice against using it, instead do this,
download the latest package from this website (currently,
unzip the package and ftp it into the root/updates/ folder,
then run this file from your browser,
make sure you backup your database before updating just in case..
MVFinfo replied on at Permalink Reply
I tried this, but it just took me to my login page (which is no good because even if I log in I won’t see the dashboard…any other suggestions?
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Does the bar show, and just has no buttons ? or is there no bar, no buttons, and when you login does it take you to home ?
MVFinfo replied on at Permalink Reply
There is a grey bar, but no buttons
MVFinfo replied on at Permalink Reply
oh and it takes me to the home if i were logged in, but i'm not because i don't have access
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you try what Korvin suggested, and have added loader element to your footer.php in your theme ?

If not ....

Open your ftp or your file manager in hosts cpanel. Go to your theme files usually located in packages. Find the folder labelled elements, and find footer.php. If loader element is not there than copy the line from Korvins response to the bottom of what's already in the footer.php. Refresh browser, and clear cache on site by going to dashboard - cache and speed settings - clear cache, just to be sure it loads up right.

See if its better now. If you need a better explanation on how to do this than I will put together a better set of instructions.
MVFinfo replied on at Permalink Reply
I’ll try that thanks for explain Kevin’s note
MVFinfo replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok one quick question, I found the footer.php under (themes, elements, foote.phop) and need to add the line from korvins response, how do I add it? I understand how to clear cache once I’m in my site…just not sure how to plug this in?
MVFinfo replied on at Permalink Reply
I see that i can edit the code? do i plug this in the code? thanks:)
Ekko replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Themes can be found in either the themes or packages folder depending on where its loaded up. Core themes that come with concrete are in concrete/themes/

To copy it press edit on the footer.php file, and than copy and paste the code from Korvins response at the bottom underneath what's already there with either notepad or cpanels built in editor. Than press save changes.

Thats it :)

Here's some example code of what the end should somewhat look like

<script type="text/javascript">
$('.sub_menu').each(function(num,el){ $(el).children().last().hover(
function (){
function (){
<script type="text/javascript">; </script>
<?php Loader::element('footer_required'); ?>

Note the loader element at bottom, but within the body.

<?php Loader::element('footer_required'); ?>
MVFinfo replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok I might need a better set of instructions, because it didn’t do anything so I’m thinking I didn’t do it right. I took my edits away and saved it so that it was back to normal so that I could start fresh. I also may not be placing the information in correctly, do I place the whole line of:

Loader::element('footer_required'); at the end

This is the path I’m doing
File manager --> Public_html --> Packages --> Themes --> (under themes there are the categories of "default", "homepage", "subpage", "unbound", all of which contain a folder named elements, and under elements have the title of footer.php
MVFinfo replied on at Permalink Reply
Let me try this again, your lengthy explanation didn’t’ appear until I refreshed the page….
Ekko replied on at Permalink Reply

That would be an example of one of my sites paths to footer.php

Jb_night_city is the name of my sites theme,the next themes folder is a secondary folder, the theme folder appears again than elements and under that would be footer.php
MVFinfo replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey That worked, Thanks so much,
usfcommish replied on at Permalink Reply
I have the same problem today after upgrading manually to 5.5 from

I checked the footer.php file and I have that line in the file. It has some additional information at the end of it see below - does this matter?

Also I appreciate the direct link to the dashboard - that works fine.

I just can't see the main upper bar buttons for EDIT, DASHBOARD when I first sign in.

How do I get to the EDIT button directly? Is that accessible from the dashboard?

usfcommish replied on at Permalink Reply
<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied."); ?>
if ($_GET['_ccm_dashboard_external']) {



<?php Loader::element('footer_required', array('disableTrackingCode' => true)); ?>