Concrete5.7 direct CSS to the worng folder

Hello Concrete5 members,

I just updated Concrete5 to the latest version and wanted to add a second css file.
<?php echo $html->css($view->getStylesheet('css/main.css'));?>
<?php echo $html->css($view->getStylesheet('css/main.min.css'));?>

I wanted to add main.min.css to my theme but its not directing to the right folder.
main.css is directing to
<link href="/application/themes/mytheme/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all">

and main.min.css is directing to
<link href="/updates/concrete5.7.5.6/concrete/themes/mytheme/css/main.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all">

How can I fix this?

hutman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
This is usually caused by the cache being turned on and not cleared, or a typo somewhere. If the system can't find your CSS file where it thinks it should be it looks for it in the concrete directory.
nesoor replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey hutman,

Clearing the cache helped haha :)
Thank you!
nesoor replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Hutman,

I hope you don't mind if I ask something else :)
I changed:
<?php echo $html->css($view->getStylesheet('css/main.css'));?>

<?php echo $html->css($view->getStylesheet('css/main.min.css'));?>

The template does not change to main.min.css. Also when I make changes the old css, it's not updating.

I cleared the cache of my browsers and concrete5.7 website. Both isn't working.
nesoor replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Hutman,

I solved it already! A script was blocking it :)