Deleted Theme from Directory: Can't Sign Into C5

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Hi All,

I created a failed custom theme that didn't let me sign in. I couldn't revert because I had no edit bar. So I deleted it from the directory on my host-site, figuring C5 would revert to a default theme. It did not. Now my homepage consists of nothing but a nasty error message.
I didn't lose anything valuable, it was just a test-site, but now I can't log into C5. I can't change a thing. How do I nuke it all and start over?

Thank you kindly.

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Ekko replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Instead of nuking it use this link to directly access the dashboard login use once inside assign a theme to replace the failed theme and it will be as if it never happened.
dclatzen replied on at Permalink Reply
Ekko, you're my hero. I did what you said and it worked. Thank you!