Error with DB

I am receiving the following error when trying to connect to the DB. Can anyone tell me what the issue might be?

mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'Pages.cIsActive' in 'field list'] in EXECUTE("select Pages.cID, Pages.pkgID, Pages.cPointerID, Pages.cPointerExternalLink, Pages.cIsActive, Pages.cIsSystemPage, Pages.cPointerExternalLinkNewWindow, Pages.cFilename, Collections.cDateAdded, Pages.cDisplayOrder, Collections.cDateModified, cInheritPermissionsFromCID, cInheritPermissionsFrom, cOverrideTemplatePermissions, cPendingAction, cPendingActionUID, cPendingActionTargetCID, cPendingActionDatetime, cCheckedOutUID, cIsTemplate, uID, cPath, Pages.ctID, ctHandle, ctIcon, ptID, cParentID, cChildren, ctName, cCacheFullPageContent, cCacheFullPageContentOverrideLifetime, cCacheFullPageContentLifetimeCustom from Pages inner join Collections on Pages.cID = Collections.cID left join PageTypes on (PageTypes.ctID = Pages.ctID) left join PagePaths on (Pages.cID = PagePaths.cID and PagePaths.ppIsCanonical = 1) where Pages.cID = 1")

marcygiff replied on at Permalink Reply
Still looking for some help here. Is there anyway I can access the content that I posted on the pages I developed?
pmarques replied on at Permalink Reply
What do you mean, "when trying to connect to the DB"?
jbx replied on at Permalink Reply
Sounds to me like maybe you have uploaded a newer version of the core, but haven't run the upgrade script yet.

Could that be this issue? Have you recently upgraded or attempted to upgrade C5?

ScottC replied on at Permalink Reply
this makes sense.
marcygiff replied on at Permalink Reply

That's exactly what happen. They mistakenly deleted the folder with C5 on their website, reinstalled it and it appears it is a new version. All I need to do is get access to the content they had already posted to their pages so it doesn't have to be recreated. Can you point me in the right direction to fix?
jbx replied on at Permalink Reply
You have two options here...

1) delete the concrete folder and upload the version that was originally
installed. This is the safest option. You can grab old versions from the
download page here.

2) go ahead and upgrade. Point your browser to and follow the instructions.
Back up your database first, in case there are any problems!

Hope that helps...

On Jul 24, 2012 4:55 PM, "concrete5 Community" <>
marcygiff replied on at Permalink Reply
One more question, Jon. Is there a way to find out what version they originally loaded?
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
In the Config table of the database there should be a key value pair that has the version number, (I think its something like APP_VERSION
marcygiff replied on at Permalink Reply
Alright, making a little progress but now I get the following error:

Warning: require(/home/tmgdesig/public_html/school_new/concrete/config/version.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/tmgdesig/public_html/school_new/concrete/config/base.php on line 463

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/tmgdesig/public_html/school_new/concrete/config/version.php' (include_path='/home/tmgdesig/public_html/school_new/libraries/3rdparty:/home/tmgdesig/public_html/school_new/concrete/config/../libraries/3rdparty:.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/tmgdesig/public_html/school_new/concrete/config/base.php on line 463
lewisbell replied on at Permalink Reply
I see lots of posts on different threads about this problem and lots of people that seem to be unable to make it work no matter how much they try.