Fatal error during install

Here's the exact error message:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function bind_textdomain_codeset() in /home/public/concrete5/concrete/libraries/localization.php on line 14

Here's the URL:


I checked all the install requirements, everything seems right. Safe_mode is normally on at this host, but that shouldn't be the issue, right. Anyway, I switched it to safe_mode off and I get the exact same error.

Help? THanks.

drm replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

Make sure your PHP installation has gettext compiled in (--with-gettext) as this functionality is what opens up the function bind_textdomain_codeset()
4allisons replied on at Permalink Reply
Maybe it's because my host is BSD-based instead of Linux-based? Something about putenv() instead of setlocale()?

I'm sure gettext is enabled, but I'll see if I can check (I'm thinkin' it's the OS).



In Linux, the usual way to initialize gettext is

setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang);
bindtextdomain("myWebsite", "locale");

However, BSD needs to call putenv() instead setlocale() in order to work. This code will work both in Linux and in BSD:

setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang);
bindtextdomain("myWebsite", "locale");
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
php gettext extension must be enabled. It's not enough if gettext is installed.

c5 does it already the putenv and setlocale way, no problem with linux or bsd.

The method bind_textdomaincodeset must be available:
4allisons replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, I double-checked. The php gettext extension is definitely enabled. I've gone through everything I can think of. Here's the host's list of what's turned on and what's not:

Frankly, I don't need the foreign language extensions at all. I'd love to get it working, but I'm OK with just commenting stuff out if that'll get me moving again. Whaddya think?
drm replied on at Permalink Reply
That's interesting - the phpinfo() looks okay as far as gettext is concerned.

Have you looked at phpinfo() as it looks under YOUR web root directory, just in case there's something strange going on?

Just upload a script that does:

into your web root and make sure it, too, reflects gettext properly.

Also ..just to ease your concerns..My servers run FreeBSD and we have no problems without having to do any hacks/commenting out.
bigfudge replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the exact same problem (rc5.2, nearlyfreespeech) .... any info much appreciated.

drm replied on at Permalink Reply
As requested above, provide a link to your phpinfo(); hosted on *your* web root (not something provided generically in your hosts help section) so we can see how your php is configured.

Then we can see if there's anything obvious missing..
4allisons replied on at Permalink Reply
Not sure what happened, but sometime in the last few days, it started working. I made no changes, and I didn't reinstall any of your software or hand-edit any of the Concrete5 files. The only thing that could have changed would be the internals at the hosting site. And I know those people quite well--they wouldn't have intentionally slipstreamed a fix without telling me.

I'm guessing that they recompiled or took steps to fix some *other* problem, and in the process fixed the problem with gettext.

Thanks for your help!