ftp password - where to change it

Please can someone tell me where you can edit your ftp details in an existing 5.5 site. My host has had to change my ftp details and I can't find anywhere in system settings or dashboard.


Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
Does your site display at all?
FTP settings, db passwords etc are all set at the server, not the site
rme replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for replying.
Yes, the site has been up for a while, working okay. But I thought there must be a way to change the ftp password that c5 uses to access the server if for example the server requires a change of password due to some changes made by the hosting company. We have had this issue before on a different installation when the hosting company wanted stronger passwords. There must be some where in c5 that stores the ftp password so that c5 can access the server.
Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
similar questions have come up before... seehttp://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/usage/database-password-p...
I believe it addresses your config/site php file question

rme replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, I'll have a go at that.
rme replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry but a further thought, perhaps C5 doesn't use ftp to access the server and I'm going about this wrongly. Checking the installation documentation I don't see it asking for ftp details, but I can't actually remember as it is a while since I did a new install. Please can you confirm if this is correct.
adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Concrete5 has nothing to do with your ftp access to your host. That ftp access is for transferring files to and from the server (ftp = File Transfer Protocol).

Concrete5 only needs a database account (including address) and correct folder permissions to work.
rme replied on at Permalink Reply
That's great, thanks for clarifying that.