Guests can't see gallery images


I have tested this problem with the original gallery in concrete5.5.1 and with amiant gallery. When i logged in as User i can see the images and while logged out no images...
Yes i have read many posts and i think the problem is,
to set the right permission. I have checked the permissions in file manager. Each image is not protectet for downloading and access...

In systems settings i have found the file manager permission option..
here i have two options to set it for guests. View Site Files and Search Files. I think the view site files is the right option to allowed it for guest users. I can set it to yes, press the save button and i see the message "Global Permissions saved." but in the option field its again no. So i cant set this option but why? Can i set this option directly in db or is this in a config file?

Thx for help

Kind Regards

Zander replied on at Permalink Reply
Core vesion 5.6.2
same problem with images (galleries blocks, random image block) doesn't show for guests
Perhaps it related to new permission system,
Is there any issue for this bug?