I deleted my auto-nav block. How do I get it back?

I was an idiot and deleted my auto-nav when I very first got the website. I am using the dark chocolate theme and my website ishttp://www.xodus1414.com. Thank you for any help.

VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, All you need to do is add it back through the Concrete5 editing interface.

Sign into your site, click on "Edit page" in the top left corner of the edit bar, you should then see a dotted outline where your nav use to live.

Click on this area and select ""add block" from the menu that appears then select auto-nav and you should then have your nav back.

If, however you mean you have deleted the nav at template code level, you can paste in the following code where your nav was and it should now re-appear:

$a = new Area('Header Nav');
imagery replied on at Permalink Reply
I, too, deleted the auto-nav feature from within the within the blocks options. Is this the code that I need to get it back and where does it go?

$a = new Area('Header Nav');

ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you mean that you have deleted the core autonav block from the dashboard block types section?
imagery replied on at Permalink Reply
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Reply
Download another copy of your version of C5 fromhttp://www.concrete5.org/developers/downloads/...
extract the file and find the autonav folder inside the concrete/blocks/
copy that to your root/concrete/blocks/ folder (Not the root/blocks/ folder)
Then go to your dashboard again and see if you can see the autonav block either already installed or ready to be installed..
imagery replied on at Permalink Reply
Wow...Feels like hitting a curb and giving yourself a flat tire... Time
that could have been doing something else. Where is that Staples "E-Z"
button when you need it. Thanks...
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't think you'd have to do all of that. You will have to write a little code however.

1. Create a file in tools/ named "reinstall_autonav.php".
2. Add this code to it


3. Go to this URL:http://www.yoursite.com/index.php/tools/reinstall_autonav/...

That should reinstall it.
imagery replied on at Permalink Reply
Andrew, worked like a charm. Thank you.
marcin2 replied on at Permalink Reply
hi, i just did the same (uninstalled the autonav ) but in concrete 5.7 ,and lost the whole dashboard. any chance to get it back? i tried the script but i'm not sure where to put it in the new version of concrete. any help appreciated :)
paxmaster replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you very very much! Worked like a charm!
imagery replied on at Permalink Reply
I am still without the auto-nav option in the core block set. Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.