I have gone live but all pages point to folder under public_html

I transferred my site to my domain server into a folder under public_html/C57. I put it there because I was still running my live site. After testing for a few weeks and satisfied everything was working ok, I decided to move all of my original site to a folder (old_tambopc) and copy everything from the C57 folder to the root public_html. I still kept the C57 folder intact. Now when I access my site athttp://tambopc.org.au the home page opens, but when I go to any pages or links, it goes tohttp://C57/tambopc.org.au and never goes back to any pages in the root. Looking in the Dashboard/SEO & Statistics/Bulk SEO Updater all pages point tohttp://C57.tambopc.org.au. My question is, how do I change the pages to point tohttp://tambopc.org.au. Hope this makes sense.


hutman replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you turn off the cache, clear the cache, and turn off pretty URLs before moving the site? If not you will probably need to disable pretty urls, clear the cache (manually would probably be better) and then re-enable pretty urls.
tambopc replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, I have cleared the cache and removed folder with the original site and everything is working correctly now.

Many thanks for your help Hutman