I need help recovering my website

Long story short. Godaddy moved my web site from one server to another and some files got trashed. I previously downloaded the site through a ftp program and thought I had a good back up. I tried to upload the web site and it doesn't come up enough to be able to edit it. All pages seem to be missing. If I try to log in I get a Oops this page is no longer here message.
I have been told I could recover the website with the sql database. I don't know how to do that. The website is leavenworthembroidery.com.
Can I start from scratch, use the existing sql database and then recover it once I can get back into the web site?
Godaddy support was no help. They suggested I rebuild the website. I am trying to avoid all those hours being spent on a rebuild.

mitchellton replied on at Permalink Reply
After taking a closer look try to reinstall the greek_yogurt theme first if that does not work try the following:

1. Open your old site i hope you still have it or have a backup of the SQL database. go to Dashboard > System & Settings > Backup Database and click the "Run Backup" button. When that is done a "Download" button will apear click that

2. Go to the control panel of your new Webhost and make a new database.
remember the login information

3. make a fresh install of concrete on your new webhost. and fill in the information of the just created database.

4. upload your theme files,etc to your fresh install.

5. upload the .SQL file to /files/backups and open the Dashboard > System & Settings > Backup Database menu again then click the "Restore" button

I hope this helpes

if you don't have a SQL backup take a look in you old sites /files/backups directory if it contains a .SQL file try to use that one.
Hillebrr1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm still with Godaddy, they moved the site from one of their servers to another and caused this. I still have the SQL database out there.
Can I start a new Concrete 5 web site and use the old SQL database or should I use a new sql database and then point to the old database?
mitchellton replied on at Permalink Reply
i think you can point it to the old database but i suggest you make a backup first using phpmyadmin's export function.

Make a fresh install and point it to the old database (Make sure you install the same version of Concrete 5 as you had on the old server) if it asks use "Empty Site". after that you may have to reinstall your themes and addons.
Hillebrr1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I have reloaded the Concrete installation zip file a dozen times and it says Godaddy wont support Concrete5 request urls. I also can't get it to unzip the config.php file. It's not making sense. Whatever Godaddy did won't allow me to even rebuild the web site.
Any suggestions at all?
Again, you can see at the website Http://leavenworthembroidery.com that I am at the Concrete5 config page but I get the error and I can't go any farther.
mitchellton replied on at Permalink Reply
try to uncompress it directly in the server and add the php5.ini file with the content:
cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1

Additional information in the GoDaddy Help Page:
Hillebrr1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I tried that. I uploaded the zipped file and uncompressed it there. I also
created php5.ini and added the line. I used notepad to create the php file
and renamed it php5.ini. Still no luck. Ray

-----Original Message-----
From: concrete5 Community [mailto:discussions@concretecms.com]
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2012 6:14 AM
To: efudpucker2@kc.rr.com
Subject: I need help recovering my website : Installation Help
mitchellton replied on at Permalink Reply
I am sorry to say but i have no idea.

but a lot of people are having problems with GoDaddy.
maybe consider a different host?
ScottSandbakken replied on at Permalink Reply
I host my Concrete5 sites with GoDaddy without issue, so lets assume that this can be done.

First of all, read this article:

I believe that is your main problem.

Secondly, the site.php file inside your config folder stores the connection information for your database. You will need to verify that the server address is still valid now that your site has been moved.
5Greenhorn replied on at Permalink Reply
I agree with the last post.
I tried to visit your site and the concrete5 install failed one configuration. The error tells me that since they switched servers on you, you will now have a different server name to put in the site.php file under servername. Do you have a copy of your database before they screwed you? If so, I would recommend creating a sub domain and using that as a clean sandbox site until you can figure out what happened.
Hillebrr1 replied on at Permalink Reply
What you see is my attempt at a clean install. I cleared my directory of everything, uploaded the Concrete5 zip file and decompressed it there. I created the php5.ini file and added the line that is in the Godaddy link above. It still doesn't let me do a install.
I realize under the old site and files that addressing would be a issue but I tossed in the towel and was trying to start from scratch. What you see is as far as I can get.
I plan to contact Godaddy again and try to get them to correct the problems they created. I'm at a loss now.
Hillebrr1 replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, this didn't make sense to me. I created the php5.ini file on my computer and then loaded it into the root directory via Filezilla. It showed in the directory tree in Filezilla but when I went to the directory tree on the Godaddy site it wasn't there.
I created the file online with the Godaddy editor and it now works. I don't understand why but I will take it. I will now attempt to recover my old website files and see if I can do a repair before building the site over again. Either way I will be spending a lot of time fixing this.
Thanks for the help. Without your input I wouldn't have been able to get going again.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Is your Filezilla still aimed at your old site perhaps?
Hillebrr1 replied on at Permalink Reply
It was loading the .zip file and the other files so I don't believe so. It sure wasn't loading the php5.ini file though. I compared the files and couldn't find any difference in them. One works and the other doesn't.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah right, your mentioned you uploaded the zip. I have a GoDaddy account that I haven't used in a while and I just tried to duplicate what you did. GoDaddy's File Manager sees my uploaded php.ini just fine. Odd.
MikeGoDaddy replied on at Permalink Reply

I would be happy to investigate this issue on Go Daddy's side if you like. Just send me a PM with your ticket number and I can look into this issue for you internally!

Go Daddy® Hosting Ambassador
Hillebrr1 replied on at Permalink Reply
I never was given a incident number. The account number is 31017724 and my
name is Ray Hillebrand. Right now I have the website partially back up but
it still isn't right and I won't have the time to do any more to it for a
couple of days. I spent the weekend pulling my hair out on this.
FWIW, it was the first phone call that I was told my web site was moved to
another server. At that time none of my links worked. They pointed to pages
that were no longer there. I wasn't happy with the results I was getting.
Your people were nice but I wasn't getting my website back. I can be reached
at 913-683-0500 Ray

-----Original Message-----
From: concrete5 Community [mailto:discussions@concretecms.com]
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 3:58 PM
To: efudpucker2@kc.rr.com
Subject: I need help recovering my website : Installation Help
5Greenhorn replied on at Permalink Reply
Just visited your site again, and it is looking a bit better.
I can tell that you must have an image for your header that's not showing, and probably a few more. This may sound crazy but it could be due to your .htaccess file. How does that read, it should be found in your root folder, I believe at godaddy it's your html folder.
MikeGoDaddy replied on at Permalink Reply
After talking to you I think we got everything worked out. If you have any more issues feel free to drop me another message!