Install in empty database


First time with concrete5. I thought I would give it a try and used the 1-click installation from my host (where you can mark that it deletes current data).

So after the installation, I go to the website and there is a wizard for further installation. I set all the database information etc., and go, but I get the error that there are already tables there, I think it was about 158, and that it must be an empty database.
I mean I did the 1-click installation, so yes of cause there are tables???

Now I am not sure, is it my host and 1-click installation that does not work properly?

Is it better to do it manually, and if yes, is there a recommended guide for that?

MrKDilkington replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi sofc,

Have you tried deleting the install and re-installing?

Here is the documentation for manually installing concrete5:
sofc replied on at Permalink Reply
Thx, yes I did try that. I contacted my host and we figured it out. There was serveral ways I could delete/reset files and the database.
The 1-click installation installed an older version so there was an issue there too, but my host solved that.
So now I try to upgrade to the newest C5 version, but I think I will make a new thread for that if I cannot make it work.