Migration Woes - Blank page of death


I have tried every which way to grab a "snapshot" of a client's site while i work on some blocks for them.... it seems that concrete 5 is extremely finicky in regards to migration.

I have tried the following scenarios:

-using phpmyadmin, to export a sql dump of the database.
-zipping the entire site up on server, downloading and expanding on my local workstation
-importing the exported database
-applying GLOBAL read/write access to all files and subdirs
-Process works fine... PAGE NOT RENDERING

-run backup on existing site, disable friendly url and cache. Clear cache.
-Fresh install
-copy files, themes, blocks, packages folders from the server to the fresh install dirs
-Restore database from within dashboard
-Process works fine... PAGE NOT RENDERING

-Synchorinizing server directory with local directory using transmit (took forever)
-Restoring from sql export
-Process works fine... PAGE NOT RENDERING

In all cases, i can log in to dashboard, view the data in the database...it all seems to be there. Can browse files and images, view blocks etc etc. View, Create, add and move pages around the directory tree. I get no errors, on the backend.... however when trying to view a rendered page...

NOTHING JUST A BLANK PAGE... not even html tag in view source.

WTF, i have migrated tons of CMS before, you just copy the files and export/import the database....i have searched all the other blank page threads, and followed instructions to a tee.

-server LAMP, asmallorange.com
-Workstation MAMP (Yosemite, php 5.6, apache 2.2, mysql 5.6)

Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
Might be that your production server is running different version of PHP (or it has some extension that does not exist on your dev machine), which might cause problems. I think concrete5 should run without errors also on PHP 5.6 but there might always be some site-specific customizations/blocks/add-ons written so that they might cause problems with this version inconsistency.

I would suggest taking a look at your server logs in your development environment, they might actually tell you why the page is blank. There is probably some PHP error in your logs. Please note I mean your server logs, not the "Logs" page under the concrete5's dashboard.

If you can access the dashboard, I would also suggest turning on error display on your development machine so that you'd see these errors straight away on your screen. You can do this from Dashboard > System & Settings > Environment > Debug Settings.

Antti / Mainio
TundraTech replied on at Permalink Reply
Thx for the reply Mainlo, the site/blocks were developed on this workstation initially.

I never had to migrate to the server because we just started with a blank site and then populated online, now i want to grab a snapshot of the existing data, to make some changes(its a small database application and they have requested more fields) and its driving me nuts....

The ONLY difference i can think of is that i used the softaculous installer out of convenience on the web server, it seems to reason that this must at some level be the root cause.