Moving a Working Site to a new Host

Our company has been subject to several outages with Bluehost and have decided to move our C5 site to another host.

Our IT guy made a complete cPanel backup of our environment and copied it to the new host. Files, folders, database and all.

Just copying the environment did not result in a working site. I have been reading various information on moving the site and just want to confirm a couple things with all you experts.

1. That simply restoring an existing environment to another host will not work.

2. That we have to perform an installation of the core system to the new host and then copy over our pages, themes, add-ons, etc.

3. That we need to create a new mySQL database on the new host with the same name and credentials and then restore our existing data to it.

I don't want to waste time trying things that will not deliver the right results. So if anyone could confirm or deny these statements I can get started on our site move with the right intelligence.

Thanks to all you read and respond.

Tim Cerami
Information Architect
FieldSync Mobile Solutions

exchangecore replied on at Permalink Reply
A full cpanel backup and restore should have resulted in what you need to have your site working. Are you getting errors? It is ALWAYS a good idea to clear the cache files. (Systems & Settings in the Dashboard). Also, if you are using a different host name you will need to modify your configuration file in /config/site.php appropriately.

You most certainly should NOT have to do a full re-install of the core system and migrate your individual pages / themes / add-ons separately. You will need to have the same database, however names / usernames / passwords can be changed in the configuration file I pointed you at above.

Please feel free to PM me if you need additional support.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Quite often a clone is complete, but gets mixed up by the backup being made with the cache enabled and pretty urls enabled.

My Backup Voodoo addon switches these off while making a copy. Even if you don't use the addon, the documentation page provides detailed notes and references on restoring from a clone backup.
fieldsyncmobile replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, it appears that the cPanel copy got copied into the wrong place on the server, making a totally different environment. We need to straighten this out with the host and then do some testing.

Thanks for the responses so far. I will keep results posted here.
gmurillo replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi, I'm curious to know your experience with the change. I thinking to change bluehost for another hosting. My principal issues with bluehost is problems with email accounts, because of the budget plan they said is not posible at 100% to avoid to other servers see us as spam. Other issue is the quantity of files, they said that us have many files and is necesary to delete many files to maintain active the account. Finally they don't have option to install concrete 5.7 version, because of simplescripts that they use.
I thinking in arvixe as option, but see in diferents places that have some problems with perfomance and with support.
You are better experience with your new hosting?
Thanks for your comments! :)