Moving Exisiting CC5 Website to LAMP Server on Vultr Cloud

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone has moved concrete5 website to Vultr's 1 click install LAMP server

" The LAMP application runs the CentOS 6 x64 operating system. You can log into this system with an SSH client using the root login found on your Vultr control panel.

You can access the Apache server by navigating tohttp://[SERVER_IP]/ with a web browser. Remember to substitute the [SERVER_IP] with the IP address of your VPS. You may also connect to the Apache server with https://. A self-signed certificate is used, which means that your browser will show a certificate warning. It is safe to proceed beyond the warning.

The web document root is located at /usr/share/httpd/html/. You can create .php or .html files in that folder. For example, uploading a PHP file to /usr/share/httpd/html/donut.php would make the file accessible in your web browser athttp://[SERVER_IP]/donut.php.

The VPS also runs a MySQL database server. You can connect to the database with the following command:

mysql -u root
The MySQL root password is saved on the VPS in /root/.my.cnf."

If so I was wondering if there are any step by step guides on how to do it. I need just test the site for a short period
